Classic Italian – broccoli pasta

Broccoli is a delicious and very healthy vegetable that you can use in all directions. If you serve potatoes, vegetables and meat, you can eat broccoli. But you can also add this vegetable to a pasta with salmon. Broccoli pie is also possible and very tasty.

This is a quick version of a classic Italian dish that has tagliatelle alla Genovese. It is perhaps good to mention that it is very authentic to mix a potato through the pasta. Potatoes are an ingredient that many people have not thought of at first, of course it can always be left out. It is clear that broccoli is really good for your health. Sulforaphane is the main ingredient, but there is so much more good in broccoli: vitamins A, C, E and K; minerals such as calcium and phosphorus; soluble fibers and probably a whole bunch of nutrients that have yet to be discovered. A natural superfood, which should be on the table every week.


  • 1 medium-sized potato
  • 400 grams of chicken breast cubes
  • 1 sprout of broccoli
  • A bunch of fresh basil (to taste)
  • 70 g of Parmesan cheese
  • Sea salt
  • 400 g of dried tagliatelle
  • 4 tablespoons of green pesto


Wash and peel the potato and cut it with a peeler into wafer-thin slices. Then cut off the end of the broccoli sprout and cut the broccoli into small broccoli florets. Cut the thick stem in half lengthwise and then into thin slices. Pick the basil leaves from the stalks. Then grate the Parmesan cheese.

Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil. Put the tagliatelle with the broccoli particles in the pan and cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Add the broccoli florets and the potato slices 2 minutes before the tagliatelle is ready. Then fry the chicken breast cubes until they are tender. Drain everything in a colander over a large bowl, keep a little of the cooking liquid and put everything back in the pan. Add the chicken cubes to the mixture. Chop half of the basil leaves and put them in the pan together with the pesto and half of the Parmesan at the tagliatelle. Cover everything and stir, if you find the sauce too thick, a dash of the cooking liquid to dilute it a little.

Enjoy! 😊
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