Benefits of Herbs

We know that herbs are good for us. But what specific (and good) benefits they have?

We wish to be in good health and live long. However, the reality is different.
Sometimes we catch the flu or break something. Or we have long-lasting problems like hair loss or we can’t sleep.
Instead of taking drugs, we should try old good herbs. Why are they different from drugs? First of all, they are natural – mother nature gives us medicine that is free from any additional substances. Secondly, it is rather safe.
Of course, we must remember that we shouldn’t exaggerate with using herbs. And the last thing, they work. Using herbs demands time, if you want to see the results: usually 3 months. It may sound long, but it’s worth it!

Here we’ll find a short list of herbs that we think are very good for you. If you have more, share it!


This herb has a unique, refreshing cool breeze sensation on taste buds, palate and throat. It is rich in essential oils, vitamins and dietary fiber, which helps to control blood cholesterol and blood pressure inside the human body. Moreover, peppermint is rich in many antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin-A, β- carotene, vitamin-C, and vitamin-E and an excellent source of vitamin K. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help cool your skin and remove dandruff from your scalp.


Chamonile has been used for centuries. Chamomile can help to prevent and treat colds while protecting against bacterial-related illness and infection. Also, it soothes the nervous system so that you can sleep better. With it’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, chamomile helps in clearing up skin irritations such as eczema and acne.


Nettle is perfect for allergies. It iss effective in controlling the itching and sneezing typically associated with allergy. Morover, it supports kidneys and helps detoxify the body since it’s duretic. It is also rich in vitamin C so it boosts immunity.


In 2013, it was proven that oregano exhibits anticancer activity. It is also good for acne, dandruff and it can have a major impact on your digestive system because it’s packed with fiber. Oregano is a natural form of omega-3 fatty acids, the beneficial type of cholesterol that actually improves your heart health.

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