
Tarator –en los Balkanes, eso es una sopa fria (ensalada liquida) muy popular. Among Bulgarians this is a favorite food for the summer!

products for shopska salata products for tarator


  • 500g yogurt
  • 250ml of water if you want to eat it like a soup or 1l of water if you want it like a drink
  • ½ cucumber
  • Salt
  • Garlic clove


  • 2 teaspoon olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Dill
  • Walnuts


**Tarator could be served as a soup in a bowl or in a glass like a drink.

tarator in a cup

  1. Peel and chop the cucumber (2 options – you can cut the cucumber into cubs or plane away).
  2. Press the garlic clove. The optional products: chop the dill and crush the walnuts.
  3. Shake well the yogurt until it gets liquid then add water, cucumber, salt and garlic clove.
  4. Beat well and in case you prefer it more like a soup can add oil, dill and pepper.
  5.  In case you want your soup/drink colder, add some ice cubs 🙂

Enjoy! / ¡Que Aproveche!

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