
Pamonha is a traditional Brazilian food, a heritage of the Brazilian native people – it’s a paste made from milk and fresh corn, actually very healthy recipe! This dish is similar to the Mexican tamales, really tasty one also. Traditionally Pamonha is served with a black coffee cup, but it can be served at any…

Crema catalana

Its International Woman’s day and we should prepare something delicious! Crema Catalana is the Spanish version of crème Brule. Of course, a lot of Catalans would argue, crème Brule is France’s version of Crema Catalana. This dessert is also called Crema de Sant Josep, traditionally prepared on 19th of March. The most important thing is…

Folar de Chaves

After few weeks the Easter will come and that is why today’s post is … to give you some time to become chefs of “Folar de Chaves”. Folar is traditional Portuguese bread typically served at Easter. Folar de Chaves is originally from the north-eastern Portuguese regions of Chaves and Valpaços. This bread is stuffed with…


Ćepavi is considered by many to be Bosnia and Herzegovina national dish, but also you can find it in a lot of Balkans countries Cepavi are addictive mini sausages served in a special in a special Bosnian pita bread called Somun. Ingredientes  500g ground beef 500g ground lamb 2 slices day-old white bread, cut off…

Ensalada Rusa

Fácil ensalada rusa doméstica que es acompañamento perfecto a carne o pan**! **Cuando no tienes tiempo, puedes coger una rebadana de pan y poner en ella ensalada rusa – sandwich fácil y delicioso Ingredientes 1kg patatas 250g zanahorias 250g pepinillos 200g guisantes 200g maíz 200g jamón 3 huevos 400g mayonesa 1 cucharadita mostaza Sal 2…


Tarator –en los Balkanes, eso es una sopa fria (ensalada liquida) muy popular. Among Bulgarians this is a favorite food for the summer! Ingredientes 500g yogurt 250ml of water if you want to eat it like a soup or 1l of water if you want it like a drink ½ cucumber Salt Garlic clove Optional:…

Fish and chips

Simple y delicioso – una comida rápida y fácil de Inglaterra Ingredientes 4 patatas grandes 1 taza de harina 1 cucharilla soda bicarbonato 1 cucharilla sal 1 cucharilla de pimienta negra 1 taza de leche 1 huevo 250 ml aceite de oliva 750 g filletes de bacalao (o tilapia) Preparación Peel potatoes and halve lengthwise,…

Preparar una exquisita sopa de lentejas turca

Turkish Red Lentil Soup, also known as Mercimek Çorbasi, is biblical. this classic soup is on nearly every menu in Turkey, and it is so simple, nutritious and delicious. A simply designed soup with very subtle and exquisite flavors; cumin, mint and sumac combined in a bowl with the red lentils makes a  refreshing soup with very…

Preparar un Gulash húngaro

¿Estás interesado en platos nacionales? Aquí puedes encontrar cómo cocinar un goulash húngaro! Una manera picante para preparar carne guisado. Es picante pero no bastante para quemarte la boca. Se puede hacer con trozos de carne ternera baratos y al final sale muy tierna. Ingredientes 1/3 taza de aceite vegetal 3 cebollas en rodajas 2…