
Here is a very colorful recipe which comes from Italy. Preparation time : 10minNumber of people : 4 people Ingredients 4 slices of bread 3 tomatoes Mozzarella Basil Garlic clove Olive oil Salt Pepper Preparation STEP 1Toast the bread. STEP 2Wash and cut the tomatoes and the mozzarella in slice. Add them on the bread….

How to make basil pesto form scratch

Pesto is an all time favorite choice when cooking pasta, but it is also good for sandwiches, pizza and zucchini noodles. For a plus of savour in your recipes, homemade pesto is a quick, easy to make sauce. The most delicious pesto tastes fresh, herbal, nutty, garlicky and luxurious. It originated in Liguria, Italy, where pesto…


The warm weather is returning to Barcelona! Quick to prepare and a fresh start, the recipe for today will be about Caprese. It is a very light dish that requires no cooking so that all precious ingredients retain their properties. The Caprese salad is best when prepared with daily fresh products, making it a perfect…