Apple Pear Jelly

Apple Pear Jelly
Apple Pear Jelly

Recipe of Apple Pear Jelly


  • 1kg of apple
  • 1kg of pear
  • 1.5k of sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 sachet of vanilla powder


  • Peel the apples and pears and cut them into pieces.
  • Cut the lemon in half.
  • Pour the fruits and lemon into a saucepan.
  • Cook for 30 minutes, stirring continuously to melt the fruits as much as possible.
  • Filter the juice through a cheesecloth for 2 hours.
  • In the juice, add vanilla powder and as many kg of sugars you have of juice.
  • Boil lightly and cook for 10 minutes while stirring.
