Are you addicted to coffee? Check it!

Many people start their day with a mug coffee. It provides us with energy and is tasty. However, too much coffee has also negative effects. If you can’t imagine your day without even a small cup, it can mean that you are addicted.

Coffee is a very popular beverage in all over the world. Millions of users take coffee in one form or another each day, sometimes more than two times per day what may lead to a quick addiction.

The History of Coffee

In the best known legend of coffee, an Arabian shepherd found his goats eating bright berries from a certain tree. The goats became so energetic and cheerful that they didn’t even want to sleep at night. The shepherd decided to try the berries by himself and he made a drink with them, that gave him energy.

Later monks at local monastery used the fruits to stay awake during hours of prayer and later sent to the other monasteries all over the world.

Coffee came to Europe in XVII century. First, merchants who had tried it in Istanbul, brought coffee to Venice. It gained popularity and in 1645 the first coffeehouse was opened in Italy. Coffeehouses quickly sprang up all over the country and beyond its borders.

What does make coffee addictive?

The thing that makes coffee addictive is caffeine. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that stimulates our brain and nervous system. It helps us stay awake and raise the pressure. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

The symptoms of coffee addiction are following:  headaches, sleepiness, irritability, lack of concentration, lethargy, muscle pain, dizziness, anxiety and heart rhythm abnormalities.

Am I addicted to coffee?

If you want to check whether you are “coffeeholic” or not, you should complete this simple test . The results will show you if you classify as a coffee addicted or you are close or you a coffee-clean 🙂 The good news is that you can cut back your coffee consumption. Beginning may be hard, but you will feel better. Do it gradually – nothing is coming easy and now.

What should you do?

  1. Don’t buy coffee – you can’t prepare it when you don’t have it. Easy. One of the best ways to defeat temptation is to eliminate the opportunity to be tempted.
  2. Drink something different than coffee – maybe you like drinking tea? Or have you tried lemonade? If coffee drinking has become a habit for you, you need to recognise your body’s very real need to constantly sip on a nearby beverage. The best option is water.
  3. Go to the gym – regular exercise increases blood circulation, wakes up your body and mind, and has long term physical and mental health effects that can’t be overstated. What do you think of jogging? Or fitness? How about yoga?
  4.  Eat healthy –  to help you reduce the need for caffeine, make sure that each meal you eat provides carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Chips, chocolate, sweets – to the trash!

It doesn’t mean that you should forget about coffee! A mug isn’t bad, as long as it isn’t often and not too strong.



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  1. I really liked your post. Really Great.

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